Cushion bags help prolong the life of your cushions. They also protect them from all weather conditions, such as rain or snow, as well as garden debris after a windy night. The cushion bag helps protect your outdoor cushions against UV rays. Our cushion bags are from Bramblecrest and Pacific Lifestyle. Each cushion bag is water repellent to help provide all weather protection and keep your cushions looking new. The Bramblecrest large and small cushion bags come with mesh air vents can help prevents mould and mildew all year round. Aerocover bags are made from environmentally friendly material and can be recycled. These covers are low maintenance with a simple wipe clean. These great value cushion bags give you piece of mind that your cushions are well protected. Most important they make your life easier, no need to rush out and wipe last nights rain or leaf fall. Keep your garden tidy and your cushions protected. With availability both online and in our Newcastle and Wakefield branches seven days a week, get in touch if you have any queries about any of the products.
Cushion Bags
Cushion bags help prolong the life of your cushions. They also protect them from all weather conditions, such as rain or snow, as well as garden debris after a windy night. The cushion bag helps protect your outdoor cushions against UV rays. Our cushion bags are from Bramblecrest and Pacific Lifestyle. Each cushion bag is water repellent to help provide all weather protection and keep your cushions looking new. The Bramblecrest large and small cushion bags come with mesh air vents can help prevents mould and mildew all year round. Aerocover bags are made from environmentally friendly material and can be recycled. These covers are low maintenance with a simple wipe clean. These great value cushion bags give you piece of mind that your cushions are well protected. Most important they make your life easier, no need to rush out and wipe last nights rain or leaf fall. Keep your garden tidy and your cushions protected. With availability both online and in our Newcastle and Wakefield branches seven days a week, get in touch if you have any queries about any of the products.
Blogs & Guides

What to do with Patio Furniture in Winter
Looking after your patio furniture will ensure it lasts for many years to come. During winter, you probably don’t use your garden furniture very often. Therefore, it’s vital that you properly protect outdoor furniture over those cold and icy winter months, ready for the sunny days of summer.

How to Look After your Garden Furniture in Winter
It’s important to know how to look after your garden furniture in the Winter months. If you look after your garden furniture it will last for years. We’ve put together our tips to help you look after your furniture.

How to Store Outdoor Cushions
Outdoor cushions are tougher than regular indoor cushions but you should still look after them. If you know how to correctly store your outdoor cushions you can keep them looking newer for longer. How you store your cushions can also change throughout the seasons, in the Summer months you may leave them outside more.